Mahesh Channe Sir’s VS ENTRANCE Software & Revice Solution is one such institution working for 11th 12th Science Students MHT-CET, JEE, NEET Entrance Exam with Perfect Guidance & Counselling program for ideal Self-Study & suggest best career path.
We hope our experience, system, knowledge, research & services will bring forth our much cherished goal.
Perfect Entrance Product for studentsAcademic growth.
We have had perhaps the best experience of getting our children counselled for their career with the psychologist at Study Zep. She was not only incredibly knowledgeable and helpful but also ethical. While we had tried services of other "career counsellors", we found that for them it was just another business, they weren't qualified for it, they had not studied for the field. Upon meeting the psychologist at Study Zep, we immediately knew she was honest in her work. She gave us all the satisfaction we were seeking for being confident about both our children's career paths, and she is always the first recommendation we give to anybody seeking the same. By Satisfied Parents
I appreciate the psychologist at Study Zep for taking out the time to speak and interact with my children .I want to thank for the extensive counselling which was given them to choose their subject in 11th . Not only subject but after school courses too . The advice and guidance provided have helped us all a lot.
My Experience - VS ENTRANCE PG test is Authentic Psychometric Tests.. This PG test developed for Self Study & Career aptitude. Uncovers the variety of abilities innate in every person Provides key insight into the development of the individual and the planning required for future success